Altogether Joyful

Altogether Joyful

In this brief look at Torah Portion R’eih (see), found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule, Michael David Gonzales examines the word “alien” in Deuteronomy 14:21. Can the non-native born—the “alien” who lives with Israel and worships the God of Israel—eat the flesh of an animal that has died? Are non-Jewish disciples of Yeshua required to keep the dietary laws?

Be In Community

Be In Community

A discussion on the last few verses of Torah Portion Ekev (because) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule. In this episode, Michael David Gonzales looks at the second of the three Scripture passages that comprise the Shema. What can we learn from the usage of the word “you” in Deuteronomy 11:13-21 and how does it affect how we walk out our faith?

Sharing Our Failures

Sharing Our Failures

A quick look at Torah Portion Vaetchanan (and I pleaded) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule. In this short discussion, Michael David Gonzales looks at the pleading of Moses when he asks the Lord if could enter the Promised Land after being told he could not. He then pulls out lessons from this passage that we can apply to our lives today.

The Three Weeks

The Three Weeks

In this short episode, Michael David Gonzales briefly explains the three-week period of mourning in Jewish tradition called, “The Three Weeks”. This period begins on the 17th of Tammuz and ends on the 9th of Av. Michael looks at the principles we can learn from this tradition and how we can apply them to our lives.

You Can’t He Can

You Can’t He Can

A quick look at Torah Portion Devarim (words) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule. In this discussion, Michael David Gonzales looks at Deuteronomy 1.1-3.22 and the encouraging words that Moses gives to Israel before they enter The Promised Land. How were they able to defeat two kings and their great armies? How can we defeat the battles we face today?

Alive In Messiah | An Introduction

Alive In Messiah | An Introduction

In this short episode, Michael David Gonzales introduces a new Alive In Messiah podcast and his efforts to reach out to like-minded, Messianic, Torah believers in the area of NW Tarrant county. Be sure to listen if you live in or around Haslet and are looking for a nearby Messianic community.

Fathers, Tell. Children, Ask.

Fathers, Tell. Children, Ask.

A Sabbath Sermon on Exodus 10 taken from Torah Portion Bo (Go) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule. In this teaching Michael discusses how important it is that families discuss their faith and experiences with God from generation to generation.

Preparation Through Trials

Preparation Through Trials

A Sabbath Sermon on Exodus 1.8-14; 2.23-25 taken from Torah Portion Shemot (Names) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule. In this teaching Michael talks about the importance of learning from the trials in our lives and how we need to trust and rely on God through every trial so we can grow, spiritually.

Noah, The Second Adam

Noah, The Second Adam

A Sabbath Sermon on Torah Portion Noach (Noah) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule. In this message, Michael David Gonzales looks at Genesis 9.18-10.32 where he makes more connections between “the Fall” of Adam and the life of Noah. He also pulls out principles from this story that we can apply to our lives.

God Establishes A Covenant

God Establishes A Covenant

A Sabbath Sermon on Torah Portion Noach (Noah) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule. In this message, Michael David Gonzales discusses Genesis 8.15-9.17 and the covenant that God makes with Noah, which is actually a covenant for all mankind which is still in effect today.

Finding A Place To Rest

Finding A Place To Rest

A Sabbath Sermon on Torah Portion Noach (Noah) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule. In this message, Michael David Gonzales looks at Genesis 8.1-14 and compares the imagery of the Raven and the Dove with the dual nature of man, the flesh and the spirit. He then examines the fruits of the flesh and the spirit found in Galatians 5.

Noah Found Favor

Noah Found Favor

A Sabbath Sermon on Torah Portion Noach (Noah) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule. In this message, Michael David Gonzales goes through Genesis 6.8-7.24 and focuses on the favor that Noah had in the eyes of God. What did he do to earn this favor? And how can we find favor in God’s eyes?

Walking With God

Walking With God

A Sabbath Sermon on Torah Portion Bereshit (in the beginning) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule. In this message, Michael David Gonzales looks at Genesis 4.15-6.9 and makes a comparison of the generations of Adam through Cain and Seth, and discusses what it means to walk with God.

Why Are You Angry?

Why Are You Angry?

A Sabbath Sermon on Torah Portion Bereshit (in the beginning) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule. In this message, Michael David Gonzales looks at Genesis 4.1-26 and the first sin recorded following the fall which is rooted in anger.

Chanukah: Dedication and Re-Dedication

Chanukah: Dedication and Re-Dedication

A Sabbath Sermon by Michael David Gonzales on Shabbat Chanukah, the Sabbath which falls within the eight days of Chanukah, the Feast of Dedication. In this message, Michael compares Solomon’s dedication of the first temple with the Maccabee’s re-dedication of the defiled temple. He then discusses the similarities of re-dedication and repentance, or teshuvah.

Where Are You?

Where Are You?

A Sabbath Sermon on Torah Portion Bereshit (in the beginning) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule. In this message, Michael David Gonzales looks at Genesis 2.4-3.24 and the destruction of the relationship between God and man.

The Beatitudes: An Introduction

The Beatitudes: An Introduction

A Sabbath Sermon by Michael David Gonzales on The Beatitudes found in Matthew 5. In this sermon, Michael gives an introduction to the first teachings of Messiah Yeshua found in the Gospel of Matthew.

In The Beginning

In The Beginning

A Sabbath Sermon on Torah Portion Bereshit (in the beginning) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule. In this message, Michael David Gonzales discusses the purpose of the book and then briefly covers creation account in Genesis 1.1-2.3. He also discusses the first family and their responsibility to God.

Prioritization, A Sukkot Lesson

Prioritization, A Sukkot Lesson

A Sabbath Sermon by Michael David Gonzales on Shabbat Sukkot, the Sabbath that falls within the week of the Feast of Booths. In this teaching, Michael looks at a theme of the Feast—the temporal aspects of our lives. He uses this theme to exhort us in prioritizing our lives for God.

King Manasseh : A Picture of Redemption

King Manasseh : A Picture of Redemption

In this sermon, given on the evening of Yom Kippur, Michael David Gonzales looks at the life of King Manasseh as detailed in 2 Chronicles 33. If there was salvation for someone who lived a heinous life as he did, then there is hope for others.

Yom Teruah Evening Service

Yom Teruah Evening Service

A discussion on Yom Teruah, the Feast of Trumpets, led by Michael David Gonzales. In this teaching, Michael reviews a variety of Scripture passages that help us understand this curious Biblical Festival and its meaning. (Poor Quality Recording)

Be Happy Slaves

Be Happy Slaves

A Sabbath Sermon on Torah Portion Ki Tavo (when you enter in) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule. In this message, Michael David Gonzales discusses Israel’s responsibility of obeying the Law of God as His covenant people. They are to serve Him with joy and a glad heart. This sermon sparked some good discussion.

The King Who Submitted

The King Who Submitted

A Sabbath Sermon on Torah Portion Shof’tim (judges) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule. In this message, Michael looks at Deuteronomy 17.14-20 and the laws about setting a king over the people of Israel. He takes a quick survey of Israel’s past kings, and finally he looks at the true, perfect King of Israel, Yeshua the Messiah.

You Shall Love The Lord Your God

You Shall Love The Lord Your God

A Sabbath Sermon on Torah Portion Ekev (because) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule. In this message, Michael looks at Deuteronomy 6.1-11.32 which, he argues, is a detailed view of the first commandment—You shall love The LORD your God.

The Sabbath of Vision

The Sabbath of Vision

A Sabbath Sermon on Torah Portion Devarim (Words) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule. In this message, Michael David Gonzales explain why this week’s Sabbath is called The Sabbath of Vision. He makes a connection with the Torah and Prophets readings, found in Deuteronomy 1-3.22 and Isaiah 1.1-27, and then he makes application for Christians today.

The Lord’s Vengeance on Midian

The Lord’s Vengeance on Midian

A Sabbath Sermon on Numbers 31 by Michael David Gonzales taken from Torah Portion Matot (tribes) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule. In this sermon, Michael gives an overview of the highlights of the battle Israel had with Midian and the outcome. What can we, as believers, learn about this passage and how can we understand the killing of women and children which was commanded by God?

Quarreling With God

Quarreling With God

A Sabbath Sermon on Numbers 20.1-13 by Michael David Gonzales taken from Torah Portion Chukat (ordinance of) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule. In this sermon, Michael looks at another instance where there is no water and the people quarrel against God. How can we avoid being negative in the face of adversity? Michael looks to other Biblical passages for the answer.

Man’s Failure and God’s Faithfulness

Man’s Failure and God’s Faithfulness

A Sabbath Sermon on Numbers 13.1-14.10 by Michael David Gonzales taken from Torah Portion Sh’lach l’cha (send for yourself) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule. In this sermon, Michael looks at the report given by the 12 spies and the response of the people. Trusting that God is with us, we can accomplish tasks that seem impossible to us.

Herod in Us

Herod in Us

Week 7 – A Study in the Gospel of Matthew 2.13-18

Defilement, Crimes, and Sins

Defilement, Crimes, and Sins

A Sabbath Sermon on Numbers 5.1-10 by Michael David Gonzales taken from Torah Portion Naso (Elevate) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule. In this teaching Michael briefly looks at the issues of defilement in the camp and crimes committed within the people of Israel. This passage takes place just after the tribes are organized and just before they set off on their journey through the wilderness toward the Promised Land.

The Ascension of Yeshua

The Ascension of Yeshua

A Sabbath Sermon by Michael David Gonzales on the 41st Day of the Omer, which is Ascension Day. This sermon was given in preparation for the upcoming festival of Shavuot. In this teaching Michael briefly looks at the Ascension of Yeshua and its importance to His mission here on Earth and its significance to His disciples.

The Real Date of Shavuot

The Real Date of Shavuot

A Sabbath Sermon on the date of Chag Shavuot, the Feast Weeks by Michael David Gonzales. In this sermon Michael looks at the two prominent methods of reckoning the start of the 50 day period between Passover and Shavuot, known as the counting of the omer. He attempts to defend both positions having followed them in the past. This topic always makes for a lively discussion and the community of AIM did not disappoint.

Passover | A Time of Reflection

Passover | A Time of Reflection

A Sabbath Sermon on Numbers 9.1-14 by Michael David Gonzales in preparation for the Passover. In this teaching Michael briefly looks at the first three Passover observances mentioned in the Bible. He shares some personal stories, makes application from the Text, and exhorts the listener to get ready for the upcoming celebration.

Our Gifts are From Him and For Him

Our Gifts are From Him and For Him

A Sabbath Sermon on Exodus 31.1-32.10 by Michael David Gonzales taken from Torah Portion Ki Tisa (When You Take) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule. In this teaching Michael looks at the skills given to the craftsmen in building the tabernacle and its furnishings so the people could worship of the Lord. He compares them with the gifts we are given by the Lord in order to minister to the Body and ultimately Him.

A King, a Queen, and a Messiah

A King, a Queen, and a Messiah

A Sabbath Sermon on 1 Samuel 15 by Michael David Gonzales on Shabbat Zachor, the Sabbath of Remembering, which immediately precedes Purim, the Festival of Lots. In this teaching, Michael compares King Saul with Queen Esther and them compares them both to Messiah Yeshua, Christ Jesus.