In this episode, Michael and André-Philippe look at the parashah portion Ki Tavo or When you come, which covers Deuteronomy 26.1-29.9.

“5780 Ki Tavo – When You Come”

Torah: Deu 26.1–29.9
Haftarah: Isa 60.1-22
Apostolic: Luk 24.44-53

These podcast episodes were recorded in Lakewood, WA, at the home of Michael David Gonzales with his son-in-law, André-Philippe Therrien, who, at the time, was a Classics student at the the University of Puget Sound. Because of their busy schedules, the only time they had to record was on Shabbat mornings before service. Ultimately, their schedules would not allow them to continue in this effort, so they put the podcast on hold.