About Michael Gonzales

Michael Gonzales has served as a pastor/elder at three Messianic congregations—two in Metro-Denver, Colorado and one in Tacoma, Washington. The best way to get know what he believes is to ask him or listen to his past teachings. While his theology hasn’t changed much over the years, there are certain areas that have evolved after further study and prayer.
Creative Solutions for Messianic Congregations
As a freelance graphic designer with years of experience in print and digital media, Michael Gonzales specializes in creating artwork and designs that resonate with the Messianic community. He draws his inspiration from the Scriptures, his experiences walking in the Torah since 2000, and his background as a Messianic pastor. Michael has a clear cultural understanding of a Pro-Torah life centered in Yeshua that he brings to every project. This perspective makes his work both meaningful and visually compelling for Disciples of Yeshua. Michael Gonzales is available to work with you in elevating the brand of your Messianic congregation or ministry with creative solutions that reflect both faith and tradition.
A Timeline of Faith and Service.
- In 1991, Michael married his high school sweetheart, Margaret Arriaga, in Fort Worth, Texas.
- In 1999, after moving to Denver, Colorado and a year after the birth of their first child, the Gonzales’ left the Roman Catholic Church.
- In 2000, the Gonzales family discovered Messianic Judaism and began attending a Messianic Congregation in Denver, Colorado where Michael eventually served as an elder from 2004 to 2009.
- In 2009, the Gonzales’ planted a Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado where Michael served as an elder, and the primary teacher, until 2015.
- In 2015, the Gonzales family relocated to Tacoma, Washington and joined Beit Hallel Messianic Synagogue where Michael shared in the responsibility of teaching the children during Shabbat Service.
- In 2016, Michael joined the staff of TorahResource as a web developer and graphic designer.
- In 2018, Michael joined Caleb Hegg in starting Alive In Messiah, a Non-Denominational Bible Church in Tacoma, Washington. He served as an elder until 2022.
- In 2022, Michael moved his family to his hometown of Fort Worth, Texas.
- In 2023, Michael started a Bible study in his home. This gathering lasted only a few months.
- In 2024, Michael held a Bible study at The Edge Coffeehouse in Lake Worth, Texas. This group lasted six months.
The Gonzales’ attend weekly services at a local community where they also serve in various capacities. Michael still holds on to the hope of starting another Bible study with like-minded believers that would grow into a church plant, Lord willing.
Michael and Margaret Gonzales have raised their six children following a Pro-Torah faith and lifestyle.