When we were dead in our sin, God made us alive in Messiah. (Eph 2:4-5)

Tacoma, Washington
Tacoma, Washington

The Gonzales family attended Beit Hallel Messianic Synagogue, from March 2015 to October 2018. Located in Tacoma, Washington, Beit Hallel is a congregation of believers in Yeshua the Messiah, who come together to worship in a more traditional Jewish setting. During his time at Beit Hallel, Michael shared the responsibility of teaching the children during Shabbat Service. He taught on the Proverbs, the Festival Days, and a variety of other Biblical topics.

At Beit Hallel, the Gonzales family enjoyed solid Bible teachings from their favorite Messianic Torah teacher, Tim Hegg. Tim is the founder of the community and he serves as an elder there as well as the primary instructor. Michael was honored to have served with Mr. Hegg in the capacity that he did.

Below are some of Michael’s teachings. In the Show Notes, you will find links to the activity sheets created for each teaching.

A Children’s Shabbat Teaching on The 59 Sayings of Yeshua by Michael David Gonzales at Beit Hallel, a Messianic Synagogue in Tacoma, Washington

A Children’s Shabbat Teaching on The 59 Sayings of Yeshua by Michael David Gonzales at Beit Hallel, a Messianic Synagogue in Tacoma, Washington

A Children’s Shabbat Teaching on Yom Kippur, The Day of Atonement, by Michael David Gonzales at Beit Hallel, a Messianic Synagogue in Tacoma, Washington.

A Children’s Shabbat Teaching on Yom Teruah, The Feast of Trumpets, by Michael David Gonzales at Beit Hallel, a Messianic Synagogue in Tacoma, Washington.

A Children’s Shabbat Teaching on HaMoedim, The Appointed Times of God, by Michael David Gonzales at Beit Hallel, a Messianic Synagogue in Tacoma, Washington.

A Children’s Shabbat Teaching on Proverbs 21:3-8 by Michael David Gonzales at Beit Hallel, a Messianic Synagogue in Tacoma, Washington.

A Children’s Shabbat Teaching on Proverbs 21:1-2 by Michael David Gonzales at Beit Hallel, a Messianic Synagogue in Tacoma, Washington.

A Children’s Shabbat Teaching on Proverbs 20:22-25 by Michael David Gonzales at Beit Hallel, a Messianic Synagogue in Tacoma, Washington.

A Children’s Shabbat Teaching on Proverbs 20:20-21 by Michael David Gonzales at Beit Hallel, a Messianic Synagogue in Tacoma, Washington.

A Children’s Shabbat Teaching on Proverbs 20:18-19 by Michael David Gonzales at Beit Hallel, a Messianic Synagogue in Tacoma, Washington.

A Children’s Shabbat Teaching on Proverbs 20:12-13 by Michael David Gonzales at Beit Hallel, a Messianic Synagogue in Tacoma, Washington.

A Children’s Shabbat Teaching on Proverbs 20:9-11 by Michael David Gonzales at Beit Hallel, a Messianic Synagogue in Tacoma, Washington.