When we were dead in our sin, God made us alive in Messiah. (Eph 2:4-5)

Lake Worth, Texas
Lake Worth, Texas

After relocating to North Texas in March 2022, the Gonzales family began searching for a church home. Over the course of seven months, they attended Shabbat and Festival services at two nearby congregations.

In October, following the Fall Festivals, the Gonzales’ started to discuss, plan, and pray about launching a new community in their living room. On the last day of Chanukah, that same year, the Gonzales family began working toward planting a church with like-minded family members and friends.

In January 2023 they started holding Shabbat service at their home, followed by a shared meal and fellowship. This initial effort only lasted a couple of months with only two recorded lessons posted below. The other recordings in this archive were provided for those who were curious about a potential Church Plant.

A year later, February 2024, the Gonzales’ made a second attempt at holding a Bible Study Group with the hopes of it maturing into a Church Plant. They were given the opportunity hold their meeting at The Edge Coffeehouse in the neighboring city of Lake Worth.

The group had a few families, couples, and singles who would attend regularly. Unfortunately, the acoustics of the shop did not allow for recording any of their meetings.

After six months, Michael realized that he did not have time to prepare sufficiently for teachings each week. He decided to put the study group on hold and by the end of 2024, he determined that being in an established community was a priority for his family, so they joined a local church.