Deuteronomy 3:23-29
A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado. This message was taken from Parashah #128 found in the three year Torah Reading Schedule which corresponds with Parashah Vaetchanan (and I pleaded) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule.
Deuteronomy 2:1-3:22
A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado. This message was taken from Parashah #127 found in the three year Torah Reading Schedule which corresponds with Parashah Devarim (Words) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule.
Deuteronomy 1:1-46
A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado. This message was taken from Parashah #126 found in the three year Torah Reading Schedule which corresponds with Parashah Devarim (Words) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule.
Erev Pesach Day 7
A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado.
Numbers 34:1-35:8
A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado. This message was taken from Parashah #124 found in the three year Torah Reading Schedule which corresponds with Parashah Mas’ei (stages) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule.
Hebrew Calendar Overview
A Special Teaching by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado.
Corporate Prayer Time
A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado.
Erev Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah
A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado.
Genesis 23:1-20
A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado. This message was taken from Parashah #20 found in the three year Torah Reading Schedule which corresponds with Parashah Chayei Sarah (life of Sarah) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule.
Genesis 22:1-24
A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado. This message was taken from Parashah #19 found in the three year Torah Reading Schedule which corresponds with Parashah Vayera (and he appeared) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule.
Genesis 21:1-34
A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado. This message was taken from Parashah #18 found in the three year Torah Reading Schedule which corresponds with Parashah Vayera (and he appeared) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule.
Genesis 20:1-18
A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado. This message was taken from Parashah #17 found in the three year Torah Reading Schedule which corresponds with Parashah Vayera (and he appeared) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule.
Genesis 18:1-33
A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado. This message was taken from Parashah #15 found in the three year Torah Reading Schedule which corresponds with Parashah Vayera (and he appeared) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule.
Genesis 17:1-27
A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado. This message was taken from Parashah #14 found in the three year Torah Reading Schedule which corresponds with Parashah Lech L’cha (go forth yourself) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule.
Genesis 16:1-16
A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado. This message was taken from Parashah #13 found in the three year Torah Reading Schedule which corresponds with Parashah Lech L’cha (go forth yourself) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule.
Genesis 15:1-21
A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado. This message was taken from Parashah #12 found in the three year Torah Reading Schedule which corresponds with Parashah Lech L’cha (go forth yourself) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule.
Genesis 14:1-24
A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado. This message was taken from Parashah #11 found in the three year Torah Reading Schedule which corresponds with Parashah Lech L’cha (go forth yourself) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule.
Genesis 12:1-13:18
A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado. This message was taken from Parashah #10 found in the three year Torah Reading Schedule which corresponds with Parashah Lech L’cha (go forth yourself) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule.
Genesis 9:18-10:32
A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado. This message was taken from Parashah #8 found in the three year Torah Reading Schedule which corresponds with Parashah Noach (Noah) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule.
Genesis 8:15-9:17
A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado. This message was taken from Parashah #7 found in the three year Torah Reading Schedule which corresponds with Parashah Noach (Noah) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule.
L’dor Vador (From generation to generation)
Chanukah Program Practice with the children of The Front Range Messianic Community. The children sing L’dor Vador (From generation to generation) by Josh Nelson.
Genesis 8:1-14
A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado. This message was taken from Parashah #6 found in the three year Torah Reading Schedule which corresponds with Parashah Noach (Noah) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule.
Genesis 5:1-6:8
A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado. This message was taken from Parashah #4 found in the three year Torah Reading Schedule which corresponds with Parashah B’reisheet (in the beginning) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule.
Who Is Your Spiritual Covering?
A Special Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado.
Genesis 4:1-26
A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado. This message was taken from Parashah #3 found in the three year Torah Reading Schedule which corresponds with Parashah B’reisheet (in the beginning) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule.
Genesis 2:4-3:24
A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado. This message was taken from Parashah #2 found in the three year Torah Reading Schedule which corresponds with Parashah B’reisheet (in the beginning) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule.
Genesis 1:2-2:3
A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado. This message was taken from Parashah #1 found in the three year Torah Reading Schedule which corresponds with Parashah B’reisheet (in the beginning) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule.
Multigenerational Faith (Part 3)
A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado.
Multigenerational Faith (Part 2)
A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado.
Multigenerational Faith (Part 1)
A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado.
Vayikra, And He Called
A Shabbat Message on Parashah Vayikra (and he called) by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado.
Erev Rosh Chodesh Nisan
A Special Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado.