Deuteronomy 3:23-29

A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado. This message was taken from Parashah #128 found in the three year Torah Reading Schedule which corresponds with Parashah Vaetchanan (and I pleaded) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule.

Deuteronomy 2:1-3:22

A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado. This message was taken from Parashah #127 found in the three year Torah Reading Schedule which corresponds with Parashah Devarim (Words) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule.

Deuteronomy 1:1-46

A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado. This message was taken from Parashah #126 found in the three year Torah Reading Schedule which corresponds with Parashah Devarim (Words) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule.

Erev Pesach Day 7

A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado.

Numbers 34:1-35:8

A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado. This message was taken from Parashah #124 found in the three year Torah Reading Schedule which corresponds with Parashah Mas’ei (stages) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule.

Hebrew Calendar Overview

A Special Teaching by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado.

Corporate Prayer Time

A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado.

Genesis 23:1-20

A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado. This message was taken from Parashah #20 found in the three year Torah Reading Schedule which corresponds with Parashah Chayei Sarah (life of Sarah) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule.

Genesis 22:1-24

A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado. This message was taken from Parashah #19 found in the three year Torah Reading Schedule which corresponds with Parashah Vayera (and he appeared) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule.

Genesis 21:1-34

A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado. This message was taken from Parashah #18 found in the three year Torah Reading Schedule which corresponds with Parashah Vayera (and he appeared) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule.

Genesis 20:1-18

A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado. This message was taken from Parashah #17 found in the three year Torah Reading Schedule which corresponds with Parashah Vayera (and he appeared) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule.

Genesis 18:1-33

A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado. This message was taken from Parashah #15 found in the three year Torah Reading Schedule which corresponds with Parashah Vayera (and he appeared) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule.

Genesis 17:1-27

A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado. This message was taken from Parashah #14 found in the three year Torah Reading Schedule which corresponds with Parashah Lech L’cha (go forth yourself) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule.

Genesis 16:1-16

A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado. This message was taken from Parashah #13 found in the three year Torah Reading Schedule which corresponds with Parashah Lech L’cha (go forth yourself) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule.

Genesis 15:1-21

A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado. This message was taken from Parashah #12 found in the three year Torah Reading Schedule which corresponds with Parashah Lech L’cha (go forth yourself) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule.

Genesis 14:1-24

A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado. This message was taken from Parashah #11 found in the three year Torah Reading Schedule which corresponds with Parashah Lech L’cha (go forth yourself) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule.

Genesis 12:1-13:18

A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado. This message was taken from Parashah #10 found in the three year Torah Reading Schedule which corresponds with Parashah Lech L’cha (go forth yourself) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule.

Genesis 9:18-10:32

A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado. This message was taken from Parashah #8 found in the three year Torah Reading Schedule which corresponds with Parashah Noach (Noah) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule.

Genesis 8:15-9:17

A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado. This message was taken from Parashah #7 found in the three year Torah Reading Schedule which corresponds with Parashah Noach (Noah) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule.

Genesis 8:1-14

A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado. This message was taken from Parashah #6 found in the three year Torah Reading Schedule which corresponds with Parashah Noach (Noah) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule.

Genesis 5:1-6:8

A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado. This message was taken from Parashah #4 found in the three year Torah Reading Schedule which corresponds with Parashah B’reisheet (in the beginning) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule.

Genesis 4:1-26

A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado. This message was taken from Parashah #3 found in the three year Torah Reading Schedule which corresponds with Parashah B’reisheet (in the beginning) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule.

Genesis 2:4-3:24

A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado. This message was taken from Parashah #2 found in the three year Torah Reading Schedule which corresponds with Parashah B’reisheet (in the beginning) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule.

Genesis 1:2-2:3

A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado. This message was taken from Parashah #1 found in the three year Torah Reading Schedule which corresponds with Parashah B’reisheet (in the beginning) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule.

Vayikra, And He Called

A Shabbat Message on Parashah Vayikra (and he called) by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado.

Erev Rosh Chodesh Nisan

A Special Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado.