When we were dead in our sin, God made us alive in Messiah. (Eph 2:4-5)

Michael came up with the Kid Drash podcast concept when he saw a need in his community—reaching the next generation of Messianic believers.

The Hebrew word Drash is a discussion or an exegesis of a passage of Scripture.

The idea was to create a podcast that delivered Yeshua-Centered, Torah-Based, Messianic Teachings at the level of children, ages 8-12. In order to fit the production and preparation of the podcast into their busy schedule, the Gonzales’ included it in their family devotions and homeschooling regime.

After recording a few episodes, the Gonzales family envisioned a Messianic homeschooling co-op, called Mount Sinai Academy, which would incorporate the production of the podcast and other creative efforts. However, once Michael started a new job in early 2009, the co-op dream was put on the back burner along with the podcast.

Below are the tests and initial episodes that Michael recorded with his children in their basement studio.