When we were dead in our sin, God made us alive in Messiah. (Eph 2:4-5)

Celebrating 25 Years of Torah.

Our first "small group" in 2000.
Our first "small group" in 2000.

In March of 2000 I first stepped foot in a Messianic congregation and since then, my life has never been the same.

I left the Roman Catholic Church in 1999 shortly after moving to Denver, Colorado. I was done with Catholicism and I had no plans of trying out Protestantism. I wanted a different “-ism”. I knew there was something else out there that I wasn’t finding in Catholicism. I thought I might find God in Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism, even Islam—which doesn’t have “-ism” in the name, but you get the idea.

In January of 2000 I started a new job which took me out of town for the whole month of February. Before I left I told my wife, Margaret, that when I got back we would begin our search for “The Truth.” This terrified her because she did not want to convert to some weird religion. She shared her fears with the Bible study group that she had been attending with a co-worker. They prayed about our situation and they also prayed for me to make the right choice. While I was gone on this business trip she visited the church of her co-worker, which happened to be a Messianic congregation, and she loved it.

After I returned, I told Margaret that I wanted to begin our search for “The Truth.” She agreed but asked that we start our search by visiting the place that her co-worker attended. When I asked what kind of church it was, she said they were Jewish which, at that time, was the best way she knew how to describe this group. Up until this point, I had not considered this “-ism,” Judaism. I was trying to separate myself from Catholicism and anything related to it, like Protestantism. I knew that Judaism was somewhat connected but at the same time, it did seem disconnected. I agreed to start there so we attended Shabbat service that week.

The pastor taught about Jesus from the Old Testament and I remember being blown away with the sermon. I had never heard anything like that before and I needed to hear and learn more. By the fall of 2000 we joined this congregation and were devoted members for nine years.

On this, the 25th anniversary of my coming to the truth of the Torah, I thought I’d revive this website and use it to share my experiences in the Messianic Movement.

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