Here are some more traditional songs that are sung during Purim, the Festival of Lots.
Our experience has been that Messianic communities are born and then grown horizontally. Meaning, everyone who joins Messianic congregations are already believers. And as believers, the only traditions they’ve been exposed to are Christian traditions. Nobody has ever sung traditional songs about the Biblical festivals because nobody has ever celebrated them. Therefore, we knew it was up to us to adopt and adapt or create and teach new traditions to the next generation.
One day Margaret gathered our children around the computer and recorded them singing the songs below so the other children of the community could watch the videos and learn the songs. It was our goal to totally immerse the next generation in the songs of the festivals.
In these videos you can hear the songs and follow along with the transliterated Hebrew lyrics. Below each video are the English translations.
(Who has given us life)
Blessed are you, HaShem,
our God, King of the Universe,
who has given us life,
and sustained us,
and enabled us to reach this season.
Al Hanisim
(for the miracles)
(And) for the miracles,
and for the redemption,
and for the mighty acts,
and for the consolations,
and for the battles
that You performed for our forefathers,
in those days, at this time.
Ani Purim
(I am Purim)
I am Purim! I am Purim!
Rejoice and make merry!
I come as a guest
only once a year.
La La La
Rabi Purim Rabi Purim
Tell me Why,
Why Purim can not come
twice in a week
La La La
Hurray for Purim! Hurray for Purim!
Beat the drum! Sound the cymbals!
O that Purim would come every month!
O Purim, why do you not come twice a week?
La La La
Chag Purim
(Festival of Purim)
Purim time
Purim time
A big festival for the Jewish people
Masks, noisemakers
songs and dances.
Wind your noisemakers – “rash rash rash”
Wind your noisemakers – “rash rash rash”
Wind your noisemakers – “rash rash rash”
With your noisemakers.
Purim time
Purim time
we send gifts to one another
Treats, sweets
and other nice things.
Wind your noisemakers – “rash rash rash”
Wind your noisemakers – “rash rash rash”
Wind your noisemakers – “rash rash rash”
With your noisemakers.