When we were dead in our sin, God made us alive in Messiah. (Eph 2:4-5)

Oh, Today We’ll Merry, Merry Be

Children singing during a Purim celebration.
Children singing during a Purim celebration.

Traditional folk songs help us preserve history through the telling of stories in a memorable way. Once we began walking in Torah, Margaret and I decided to teach our children songs related to the festivals that we celebrate. Since these festivals have been kept by Jews for millennia, we have adopted many of their traditions. Below is a traditional song that tells the story of Purim with funny lyrics and a catchy tune.

In the video below (recorded in 2008), my daughters, Michaela and Maya, help lead the children of the community in this song. Sing along using the lyrics below.

Oh, Today We’ll Merry, Merry Be (Lyrics)

Oh, once there was a wicked, wicked man
And Hamen was his name sir,
“Destroy the Jews”, that was his plan,
Though they were not to blame sir


Oh today, we’ll merry, merry be
Oh today, we’ll merry, merry be
Oh today, we’ll merry, merry be
And nosh some hamentashen

And Esther was the lovely queen
Of King Ahasuerus [A-ha-shoo-air-us],
When Hamen said, “We’ll treat you mean!”
Oh my, how did that scare us


Then Mordecai, her cousin bold,
Said, “Esther I must fetch her
To save us all she must be told
be a loyal, royal kvetcher”


So Esther, her report did bring
Of Hamen’s plot made mention,
“Ha, ha” said he, “No I’m the king.
I’ll spoil his bad intention.”


The guest of honor he shall be
This clever Mr. Smarty
And high above us from his tree,
He’ll be swing at our party.


His family was so depressed
For they did not insure him
But we are happy we’ve been blessed
With the jolly day of Purim.


(folksong/lyrics amended by S. Rockoff)

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