Be In Community

Be In Community

A discussion on the last few verses of Torah Portion Ekev (because) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule. In this episode, Michael David Gonzales looks at the second of the three Scripture passages that comprise the Shema. What can we learn from the usage of the word “you” in Deuteronomy 11:13-21 and how does it affect how we walk out our faith?

You Shall Love The Lord Your God

You Shall Love The Lord Your God

A Sabbath Sermon on Torah Portion Ekev (because) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule. In this message, Michael looks at Deuteronomy 6.1-11.32 which, he argues, is a detailed view of the first commandment—You shall love The LORD your God.

Deuteronomy 10:1-11:25

A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado. This message was taken from Parashah #134 found in the three year Torah Reading Schedule which corresponds with Parashah Ekev (as a result) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule.

Deuteronomy 9:1-29

A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado. This message was taken from Parashah #133 found in the three year Torah Reading Schedule which corresponds with Parashah Ekev (as a result) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule.

Deuteronomy 8:1-20

A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado. This message was taken from Parashah #132 found in the three year Torah Reading Schedule which corresponds with Parashah Ekev (as a result) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule.



A Shabbat Sermon on Torah Portion Ekev (as a result) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule. In this message, Michael looks at Deuteronomy 8 and focuses on how the Lord disciplined and then he discusses some principles for us to glean from this text.