Sharing Our Failures

Sharing Our Failures

A quick look at Torah Portion Vaetchanan (and I pleaded) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule. In this short discussion, Michael David Gonzales looks at the pleading of Moses when he asks the Lord if could enter the Promised Land after being told he could not. He then pulls out lessons from this passage that we can apply to our lives today.

Deuteronomy 5:1-6:3

A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado. This message was taken from Parashah #130 found in the three year Torah Reading Schedule which corresponds with Parashah Vaetchanan (and I pleaded) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule.

Deuteronomy 4:1-49

A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado. This message was taken from Parashah #129 found in the three year Torah Reading Schedule which corresponds with Parashah Vaetchanan (and I pleaded) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule.

Deuteronomy 3:23-29

A Shabbat Message by Michael David Gonzales at the Front Range Messianic Community in Arvada, Colorado. This message was taken from Parashah #128 found in the three year Torah Reading Schedule which corresponds with Parashah Vaetchanan (and I pleaded) found in the traditional one year Torah Reading Schedule.